Captain Marvel

This is a very very late review. But life gets in the way.

Generally amidst the nausea, strain and exhaustion caused by Marvel and other superhero movies, I was a bit apprehensive.

But the movie was an easy watch and one could not help but notice a certain freshness to it. I couldn't exactly place the reason, but it just seemed different. The female protagonist: that was no lip-service. Larson has done a good job. Her character has been acted out well and consistently. The action is well-choreographed instead of random blasts here and there, one can follow it without getting a seizure. There is a really nice montage in between about what makes a human/Danvers a human/Danvers.

SamJ's quips also do not seem out-of-place. It was nice to see him play out Fury's role to a much larger degree.

I didn't realize that was Jude Law as Yon-Rogg until it was pointed out to me. Well done bro!

Despite the story being predictable (closest-person-is-actually-traiotr-is-bad and bad-creature-actually-victim, there is a certain depth accorded to it thanks to Carol's own story, which made it less boring. It was well-placed to build up her comeback in Endgame.

So if you get a chance to see it, do watch. Nothing to 'awarzun jaun pahane'.

Rating: 2 Beards/5

Special thanks to Rama Gokhale who had also not seen it and thought me suitable for company.
