FIFA 2018: Review of the English Commentary on Brazil and Switzerland

So I really began paying attention to the commentator after I realized he may have a thesaurus at hand. His English and use of vocab was good. Debopriyo, at whose place and with whose family I was watching the match (because at my home we can only watch it in Bengali for some reason), remarked that the commentator knew many words and was determined to use them all. He was clearly worked up.

His performance really shone in the second half when I tuned into him more because his thoughts matched mine: whereas the first game was barely played in Brazilian half, the latter was more fluid. With phrases like "Switzerland has come out in full force" and "Brazil seem to have lost its way" (thrice) he clearly favoured the same side as Bashar al-Assad (the referee). At a point he said "A big red balloon is on the field". I thought this was a metaphor for the mass of Swiss players in the Brazilian D. Later I realized it was an actual balloon. The Brazilian goalie burst it, but our commentator mitra said "(I) fancy that it is the Brazilian balloon that has burst." Somewhere in between, there was a long pause where he was trying to explain the performance of Willian, I think. But all he could come up with "impactful". "Effective" was, I believe a much more easily available and effective substitute for that.

Switzerland was "back in the game", had "gained confidence", Lichtsteiner had a "perfect defence plan" which the Brazilians "failed to break through again and again".
Though I supported the Swiss army, they clearly had their knives out for Neymar. And I did not appreciate him completely ignoring the grabbing and hugging towards the end. He could at least have howled.
Are they not allowed to say "It is a foul!" on air?

Towards the end "Brazil finally has found an opening here" but we all know how that turned out.

I liked listening to that guy.
4 Beards/5
