Wild Frenzy (Sairat, as the subtitles during the song so helpfully indicated)

In the times when attention spans have shortened, a three hour movie really needs a lot of material to keep your attention. Sairat, is not one of those. Towards the first hour one is like, fuck: aur 2 ghante.

That does not mean that the film is bad. But there is an added sense of disappointment when you go expecting something radical after the added hype and hype supported by the fact that the film is still running housefull in many theaters.

The first half is really fun. The village characters and depiction of student/college life seems authentic, atleast to an urban audience. The dialogues are hilarious. The songs are too loud though and harsh after a point when up to four are crammed within the first hour. The pace of the movie is very erratic.

Multiple arcs start and finish through the movie which gets tiring. Post interval an entire arc makes no sense: but it has won a National Award, so you try to find sense concluding that Dosa making in Hyderabad is a very frustrating profession.

The end is something one has to wait for, (almost 2 hours of trying patience) but the wait is partially worth it. Silence for a good minute, and no one chatting loudly while exiting the theater is a result of a masterstroke.
