Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


This review is about four weeks too late. So I have forgotten most of the movie. Bear with me. But does that say anything about the movie itself? Hmm... 


I needed a lot of patience – to find someone to go to this movie with. My saviour in this regard was the artist Debangshu Moulik, who had done his homework and read up on Sam Rami’s works and styles. Me? I just went for the pretty visuals and fireworks.


I do not think that either of us was disappointed. Adding a horror blend to the entire movie was a fresh direction that this MCU movie went, and I think adding more such maverick takes on the traditional superhero action blockbuster is the need of the hour, to keep the MCU fresh. Take for example using the souls as wings – I could not have foreseen that. The suit-up scene in the beginning when he downs a drink and jumps off the building; loved that one too.


The cameos of X-Men and F4 were ho-hum. Nostalgia for nostalgia's sake, and whatever universe-merging was necessary. The jumping through 20 universes thing seemed like an attempt at recreating the opening of the third-eye scene from the first Dr. Strange, so it was second-hand fun. 


The story arc does not make full sense. Then again, this was more a movie for the director than the writer. So I am willing to give them that leeway. The mirror-reflection dimension for example was a nice concept in itself and well-executed. But that is all. 


If there was one favourite moment I had to pick, it would be the musical fight between the evil Dr. Strange and the good Dr. Strange. That was exquisitely pictured. 


For the post-credit scenes, don’t wait. You can search for them on YouTube. That is all for this one.


Rating: 2 Beards/5
