Little Women (Or I reaffirm my faith in the fact that Emma Watson's existence is a blessing to humankind)

I haven't read the books (i.e. Little Women and the obviously named sequel Good Wives). I did not have the books in school and never got a chance to read them in life, nor did I particularly pursue them).

The movie is surprisingly long, but does not seem so. I enjoyed the back-and-forth between the present and past. And despite a lack of previous knowledge, could follow it.

Have patience. Post-interval, everything falls in place. And because it happens automatically, it is even more enjoyable when neurons make links. That bit, though not unworthy of criticism, is a good-enough narrative choice. So, patience is necessary.

Shout to all the actors. All have done really well. I could really feel Saoirse Ronan and Florence Pugh and the characters they played. Nikita, with whom I saw the movie mentioned that the books and for her, the movie, should have concentrated more on Jo. Fair enough. I did not mind its efforts to give all characters a fair share. Whether the balance was good enough, is for the book readers to decide.

My favourite sequence was towards the end, when the book is printed, bound and finished. It was an excellent sequence. Reminded me of the sequence in The Post when the news gets published.

And siiigghh...Emma Watson. So perfect. Words fall short, but I think bha po ka sa.

Rating: 2 Beards/5

Thanks to Nikita Bhakare for the recommendation, company, and since she has read the series, further background and details.
