Spider-Man: Far From Home

Fun movie. Not a bad idea to not miss.

The awkward love-story between two adolescents is portrayed sweetly and seems natural: their haav-bhaav and coming to terms with expressing their "kasatari vatatay" are well-acted out.

The humour is natural. Shout-out to the characters of the two teachers. They were wonderful.

Thanks to Ishan Tuljapurkar for a successful plan. He suggested that to get the best effects of 3D, it is advisable to get middle-row seats. I am disinclined to not acquiescence to this argument. It has been a while since I had a good 3D experience, and this was a good one.

Thanks to the subject matter: elementals, illusions, the visuals were delicious and immersive. There is one-scene which is a call-back to the Dr. Strange's first forced astral projection scene. Excellently done.

Special props for getting back J K Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson for the Daily Bugle. That was a treat. 

I would have given it 2.5, but I prefer my beard whole, so

2 Beards/5
