
Should be renamed to Exposition Man. The entire first half is nothing but exposition. So much exposition. Exposition and more exposition.

Here is a formula which all the dialogue of the first half:

This is A. A was made by B for purpose C. D wants A. With A, D will become D++. D++ is bad. So you must get A. You will need piece of information E to find A. And all this "before Atlantis fell."

It was like prepping for an Atlantean UPSC. You could write a 20 marker and ask for a supplement. Information dump ki bhi hadd hoti hai yaar!

My point is, serious DC fans don't need it. People who have come for just another superhero movie don't need it. Whoever is left is intelligent enough to find more if you give hints here and there. Make them interact with your universe by providing online content to engage further with the universe.

The humour was sad. Just couldn't laugh at any of his quips. Jason Momoa is like Ranvir Singh. Only looks pe sab kuch hota hai. Bajirao, Khilji sab same waise hi Khal Drogo, Aquaman, sab same. Matoshree Kidman and Black Manta really really could have landed on the floor of the editing room. More pointless than a toothpick that has been chewed up by a termite.

Unlike Black Widow, whose entire character has reason to exude sexuality (she is a superspy who uses seduction to kill as well her beauty as a cover), the redhead here other than being eye-candy, kiss and being a romantic interest fulfills no essential role. My point everything other than that could well have been done by a male character. Volkus khudd too. So why?

That kiss was a rip-off from the 3rd POTC. Their descent into a The Trench was a Piranha rip-off. The entire story was a sad National treasure rip-off.

The only redeeming factor are the gorgeous gorgeous 3D-worthy visuals and art. So beautiful, so immersive, so breathtaking. Reminds one of Avatar (James Cameronwala). Such art direction. Much Wow. But that is all. Eyes ka pleasure khatam hone ke bad, ears pe itna barrage hota hai na dialogue ka...

Regarding music/sound, the only memorable thing is this deep aquatic bass 'dhurrrr' which gives a 'depth' feeling. That was nice.

The only reason I am giving it even one beard is because of the visuals. I would have liked some reference to other superheroes especially since this happens after Justice League (there is mention of Steppenwolf).

Rating: 1 Beard/5

Movie Company Courtesy: Ishan Tuljapurkar
