
The usual first reviews describe this movie as genre-defining/genre-redefining. Brilliant visuals, unique stories.
It is that, and much more.

This is a must-watch movie. It weaves together great story-telling, genuine horror and some excellent cinematography. A genuine treat. And even sweeter because this new artistry does not put on us the burden of expectations or even any knowledge of expectations. It is like a Heston Blumenthal dish: a pleasant hidden surprise when you know something is going to be different, but not what. I would even say you could get drunk on such freshness. Would that make it a Heston Blumenth-ol dish?

Any grouses? Perhaps the dialogue could have been clearer. This is one of those movies where the dialogues have been crafted well, and due to the lore involved, it seems imperative to listen to everything; to breathe in the humid atmosphere created by the rain and the womb. There's a chance to miss out on nuggets of good words if you get distracted.

The child-actors deserve special mention. Brilliant and natural.

The plot does not seem forced at any point and grows naturally; teasing out secrets slowly. Have patience, all loose ends get tied up in the end. We are so used to fast movies with short shots and attention spans, that it can seem to get a bit drawn-out; but in truth it is good build-up. It would be wronged by me, in giving out any spoilers for this one.

Waited till the end credits. Proud to know Swaroopa Sanap, a schoolmate has worked in post-production of the movie. Excellent work :D

I was also exposed to a brilliant propaganda piece of Pradhan Mantri Modi led Statue of Unity project before the movie started. Riefenstahl would be proud. This was at City Pride R-Deccan.

Thanks Amrita Sachdeva for suggesting the movie. Also Debopriyo Moulik for the interesting discussion post movie regarding allusions and giving one's own meaning to various aspects in the movie. This is a fun and yet on hindsight, a deep movie. The movie makes you think on broader aspects of morality, humanity, hedonism and existentialism; if you choose to. Else you can simply enjoy the film too.

4 Beards/5
