FIFA 2018: Review of English Commentary on Brazil v. Belgium match:

Watched the self-goal at home and then proceeded to Debopriyo’s place to watch the rest. There, started at the 22nd minute.

The Belgium defence was of course “watertight”. Then the commentator began with “I’m told…” and spouted random statistics. Soon Marcello was having an “inquest” regarding an outside. Was pretty surprised when he shouted “Goddamn!” on live TV. This promised to get interesting. I personally thought the Brazilians had a very beautiful game, full of “Zhingat”. So did the Belgians. Then there was “Fernandinho trying to make amends for his own goal”. The referee was having as much success in scolding the players as the Misconduct Register had in school.

Know that “if you give de Bruyne time and space, he knows what to do with it”. It really did seem as if he was bending both. A quick alliterative “ping pong in the penalty area” brought a smile to my face. Then there was insistence on terming Brazil as the sole “South American survivors” though Jesus “can’t seem to direct his head on the target”. The Belgian defence line looked like a foosball setup. Courtois, the keeper was certainly “in the mood today”. Then there was the mention of how Brazil had never won since 1938 Sweden if they were 2 down. After quite a while I heard the word “deft” as the commentator called the Belgians “precise surgeons”. While reading the score (0-2) he asked the viewers that there’s “no need to adjust your set”.

Post half-time, the Brazilians had to be “cavalier” as the they were facing “quite an examination”. What an attitude to use while commentating. Saw a Japanese flag in the stand. Must be the cleaning crew. Soon he was questioning the referee’s decision. But was back at using another rare and classic adjective, “adept” to describe the Belgian team. Loved that, and “mountainous performances” and the Belgian counter attack being a “sucker punch”. Quite a mix there. Then he got into his true British sense. Eugenics, and personality traits. The Brazilians lacked “mental fortitude” and were failing in their “character test”. They should “get up and get on with it”.

They did as “not even the giant Courtois” could block Augusto’s “clever little header”. “This changes things!”, “So now what?” accompanied renewed hope. But not even “Neymar and his cute little turns” (lol) could do anything. And it was relevant to tell us that Martinez had married a Scottish lady. His excel sheet throws up random stuff.

The Extraa innings had a nice discussion about how Belgium changed their tactical game in two days

I really liked this commentary.
4 beards/5.
