
Its a pity that sidey Marathi movies don't get their due. They have great potential to be cult favourites. I know you must have not even heard about this movie, unless you follow me as I had shared a post regarding the same. I saw it because my friend and senior Abhineet Pange plays a major role in it. To do him credit, he did act well and has great potential if given the opportunity. I have seen him act stage-plays in Purushottam and the transition seemed smooth.
The only two shows today were at Vasant and Alka. I chose the latter. The last movie I saw at Alka was Space Jam (1996). I had gone with my parents for that movie. The three of us. That was the number of people in the balcony then. Today I went alone, and the attendance in the balcony was: 3. The other 2 were related to the lead.
The story had potential but bad dialogue writing just makes it too fun. And when you are a Punekar and realize that Paris and Indonesia are the same resort in Kharadi, well, the thriller becomes a comedy. But for some other strange reason, the lead detective just roams around actual Paris.
The story is about a killer who wears a Krrish mask and kills people to get keys (5 of them) to open an unbreakable tijori whch has a shiny blue diamond. Guess what it is called for 10 points. Throw in a random item number lavni by Mansi Naik (is that all she does?) and bad English and the only thing salvaging the movie is the ticket, and my friend. Oh and New York is Avinash Bhosale's helipad. You can clearly see Ivory Estates ka Tiara, and Kah and all those fancy peach buildings. There was one intense confusing moment beechme, when the police stage a fake murder, but that's all.
For some reason there was 10 minutes worth of ads.
I spent 90 (80+10 parking). Paisa vasool for 80. I could have paid 70 for the stall, but on hindsight it was a good idea. Safety. There was just one person in the stalls.

2 Beards/5
