
A very feel-good movie and nice movie. Fits perfectly in the train of good, quality movies that the Marathi film industry has been producing the past few years. Ensemble casts always risky but like each and every actor plays the role perfectly. 'Instantly relatable' is what comes to my mind. This is truly an 'actor's movie'. Also highly commendable is the dialogue-writing. The only thing missing was a 'Bal Kaka' and a 'Baby Atya'.

Three grouses:
1. As taught to me by my seniors in college, a story should have a start, a mid and an end. Because of so many characters, the 'start' itself extends far beyond what I think is optimal. Till the interval. This causes the mid and the end to collapse into one.
2. The story is well woven as an emotional and a comedy tale. But because the introduction of the characters as mentioned in (1) takes so long, I got so attuned to the comedy that the emotional part felt depthless.
3. The firangi part is pheklela fake.

I would highly recommend every artist or anyone who calls himself an observant fellow to watch this movie. The individual characters are perfect and finely tuned.

Despite that it may seem that I have outweighed the positives by the negatives, I would still give:
3 Beards/5
