
Saw it long back but a review was pending.
Saw it on TV. Don't remember the channel. But ads were few and short. Liked the movie.

Don't expect me to comment on the legal things. I couldn't even correct Johnny LLB when my Dad asked 'Asa asta ka?' I won't even comment on Delhi cause though many of the heinous reports stem from there, this is far from a Delhi-problem.

Anyway, Bachchan has acted really well. Though it may the TV sound quality or the Dish quality but many of his dialogues were incoherent mumbles. All three actresses have done a really job portraying a range of emotions.
The story is strong. Th poem at the end is awesome. And it does not lag in-between, especially considering the setting of the drama is the same for the major scenes: the court-room. What is most heartening, as rendered in several Pink reviews which may have preceded mine is that a mainstream film has taken up issues to break stereotypes of urban women. Because the perpetrators of such stereotypes are urban middle-class households to a great degree. "Yeh Nahin Karte/Log Kya Kahenge" refrains. Kudos to producers/director/script-writers. As far as I felt (I was eating also at the same time) no scene seemed superfluous. And I was very intrigues about the unspoken story about AB's wife in the film. Would love a short about that story. Something like what Pixar does.

Some feminist post I read said that the film suffers from the Savior Complex. I might tend to agree but only may. And tend. What struck me the most was the dialogue that many of the perpetrators of gender violence are well-educated and from 'good' families.

3 Beards/5
