Dr. Strange

All that re-watching Inception and re-reading explanations of Interstellar has finally paid off. Visually stunning, first class acting and a gripping story-line ensures that less than 5 people got up in the interval. Le Chiffre plays his part perfectly and so does Sherlock. The side-kick actress reacts well. So does the White Witch. The action is great and engrossing and it is rare that one needs to use the brain to understand actions. Almost like a Salman Khan fan being asked to understand . . .I dunno, anything? Though the comic quips were spot on, Marvel needs to reduce them. Nothing more to say. Would not hesitate to watch it again. Worth paying up to 300 bucks for an IMax experience. It seems like an investment for the multiverse expansion.

Stay for the mid-credits scene. AND the post-credits scene.

4 Beards/5
