X-Men: Apocalypse

The new villain is too unidimensional.
The theatre was most excited when Wolverine was released.
The theatre had the most fun whenever Quicksilver was onscreen.
The theatre was the most tech-savvy when it was trying to make sense of the post-credit scene.
(FB stop red underlining 'theatre', the English language is British).
Sophie Turner is convincing as a young Jean Grey. You don't see her as Sansa. Plus she is beautiful, though emma4ever.

When the Sydney Opera House was being destroyed by Magento, I breathed a sigh of relief that the Taj Mahal was made of marble.
And this movie did what the world has failed to do till now: confirm Israel has nuclear weapons.
Plus why do the female superheroes: Psyclocke and Storm have to wear skimpier clothes when their powers are enhanced? I was afforded the explanation that ESN got all the world's knowledge and hence has become a fashion designer too.
Again, a fucking mixture of timelines with introduction of Kurt, and Logan's escape etc vagare.

What I really appreciated was the music (Beethoven and something eerily similar to Harry Potter) and the starting timeline sequence after ESN is entombed.

As usual, a money-spinner. We all know that Marvel knows we will watch whatever they come up with and knowing this we still go, so commenting on direction a d story and all is pointless.
All I can say is Zootopia was better.
